Love Your Skin!
(850) 897-7546

Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Chemical Peels


Chemical Peels are offered by Dr. Scott Beals, a dermatologist serving the Gulf Coast, with his clinic conveniently located in Niceville, FL.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a body treatment that improves the overall condition and texture of the skin. It also treats wrinkles, skin discoloration, and scarring. A specific grade of a chemical solution is applied directly onto the skin to facilitate the peeling process and reveal younger looking skin. Depending on the desired results, a chemical peel can be performed in varying depths—light, medium, or deep healing. Deeper chemical peels are more likely to produce remarkable results, but would also require longer downtime. Dr. Beals will help you determine which peel is best for you to help you achieve your goals.

What are the different types of chemical peel procedures?

A light chemical peel is a superficial technique that removes the outer layer of the skin. It is used to treat wrinkles and fine lines, control acne, even out the skin tone, and reduce dryness of the skin. Chemical peels can be administered once a week for up to six weeks, depending on the targeted results.

For a medium chemical peel, the outer part of the skin as well as portions of the middle layer will be peeled off. Wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone will benefit the most from a medium chemical peel. This type of chemical peel can be administered once or twice a year to maintain favorable results.

A deep chemical peel not only removes skin cells from the outer layer of the skin, but also portions of the middle to the lower layers of the dermis. Doctors recommend deeper peels if the patient has intense lines and deep wrinkles, or precancerous growths.

What can I expect from a chemical peel procedure?

Prior to the procedure, the patient’s face will be cleaned, and the eye and hair areas will be covered for protection. After this, the chemical solution will be applied onto the patient’s face using a brush or a cotton ball. The solution used for a light chemical peel is generally glycolic acid or salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid in a medium chemical peel, and carbolic acid for a deep chemical peel.

What happens after the procedure?

Following a chemical peel, the patient will be directed to moisturize and apply protective appointments on the skin. The skin will appear to become darker right after the procedure but will begin to lighten once the peeling starts.

Call Dr. Beals to schedule your personal consultation at his dermatology clinic located in Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL. Give us a call at (850) 897-7546 or send us an email today.