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Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Acne: Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing Acne:

Diagnosing Acne

Other skin conditions can look like acne. A dermatologist will perform an evaluation to determine whether you have acne then they will grade the acne.

Grade 1 is mild acne.

Grade 4 is severe acne.

Note what type, or types, of acne appear on your skin.

Treating Acne:

There are many different types of treatment for acne. Treatment is based on a case by case scenario and is specific to the different levels of acne that you might have. Acne is a diagnosis that is easily controllable.

People who have mild acne have a few blemishes. They may have whiteheads, blackheads, papules, and/or pustules (aka pimples). Many people can treat mild acne with products that you can buy without a prescription. A product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid often clears the skin. This does not mean that the acne will clear overnight.

Despite the claims, acne treatment does not work overnight. At-home treatment requires 4-8 weeks to see improvement. Once acne clears, you must continue to treat the skin to prevent breakouts.

When to see a dermatologist:

If you have a lot of acne, cysts, or nodules, a medicine that you can buy without a prescription may not work. If you want to see clearer skin, you should see a dermatologist. Dermatologists offer the following types of treatment:


Waiting for acne to clear on its own can be frustrating. Without treatment, acne can cause permanent scars, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. To avoid these possible outcomes, dermatologists recommend that people treat acne. When the skin clears, treatment should continue. Treatment prevents new breakouts. Your dermatologist can tell you when you no longer need to treat acne to prevent breakouts.

(Source and more info)

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