Love Your Skin!
(850) 897-7546

Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Niceville (Bluewater Bay), FL

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma - Diagnosis and Treatment

The most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States is Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC).

BCC is commonly found in the skin that is mostly exposed to the sun. This can be on the face, head, neck, back of hands or on the nose.

Also, BCC can form when using tanning beds, and form much earlier in life when being exposed to these conditions.

It is a slow growing skin cancer and rarely spreads to other parts if the body.

Treatment is important because BCC can grow wide and deep, destroying skin, tissue, and bone.

Treating BCC

In order to diagnose any type of skin cancer, a dermatologist must perform a skin biopsy, that will then be sent to a laboratory for microscopic evaluation by a dermatopathologist.

In-office procedures